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Lirik Lagu Honeymoon Avenue - Ariana Grande dan Terjemahannya

Written By Unknown on Senin, 07 September 2015 | 18.47.00

(pasang iklan disini)
Honeymoon Avenue - Ariana Grande | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat
I looked in my rearview mirror and
Kulihat kaca spion dan

It seemed to make a lot more sense
Tampaknya jauh lebih masuk akal

Than what I see ahead of us, ahead of us
Daripada kulihat di depan kita, depan kita

I'm ready to make that turn
Aku siap banting stir

Before we both crash and burn
Sebelum kita berdua tabrakan dan terbakar

Cause I can be the death of us, the death of us, baby
Karena aku tak mau jadi penyebab kematian kita, kasih

You know how to drive in rain
Kau tahu caranya mengemudi dalam hujan

You decided not to make a change
Kau putuskan tak lakukan perubahan

Stuck in the same old lane
Tetap berada di jalur yang sama

Going the wrong way home
Melaju di jalan pulang yang salah

I feel like my heart is stuck
Kurasakan hatiku seakan terjebak

In bumper to bumper
Di antara bemper

Traffic, I'm under pressure 
Macet, aku tertekan
Cause I can't have you the way that I want
Karena tak bisa kumiliki dirimu seperti yang kumau

Let's just go back to the way it was
Mari kita kembali seperti dulu

When we were on Honeymoon Avenue
Saat kita berada di Jalan Bulan Madu

Honeymoon Avenue
Jalan Bulan Madu

Baby, Coasting like crazy
Kasih, berlayar seperti orang gila

Can we get back to the way it was
Bisakah kita kembali seperti dulu

Hey, What happened to the butterflies
Hei, apa yang terjadi dengan kupu-kupu

Guess they encountered that stop sign
Kurasa mereka dapati tanda berhenti

And my heart is at a yellow light, a yellow light
Dan hatiku berada di lampu kuning

Hey, right when I think that we found it
Hei, tepat di saat kurasa kita menemukannya

Well that's when we start turning around
Saat itulah kita mulai berbalik

You're saying baby don't worry
Kau bilang, sayang tak usah kuatir

But we're still going the wrong way baby
Tapi kita masih melaju di jalan yang salah

Back to II, III, IV

They say only fools fall in love
Mereka bilang hanya orang tolol yang jatuh cinta

But they must've been talking about us
Tapi yang mereka maksud adalah kita

Sometimes I feel like
Kadang aku merasa

I've been here before
Pernah berada di sini sebelumnya

I could be wrong, but I know I'm right
Mungkin saja aku salah, tapi kutahu aku benar

We gon' be lost
Kita akan tersesat

If we continue to fight
Jika kita terus bertengkar

Honey I know
Kasih, aku tahu

We can find our way home
Kita bisa temukan jalan pulang

Back to III, IV, III, IV

When we were on
Saat kita berada

Let's just go back
Mari kita kembali


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